Your medical records may represent key evidence in your personal injury case, as you need to prove the extent of the injuries you suffered in your accident and the resulting treatment you had to undergo. Your hospital or health care provider should have a thorough record of all of your medical bills and treatments, so at some point as you prepare your personal injury claim, you’ll need to approach the hospital to release those records.

Most of the time, you can create a written request for this to happen. Your request should include your name, date of birth, Social Security number, patient account number, address and (if applicable) your spouse’s name. You can also specify if you are authorizing the release of individual records or all of your medical records.

The following are some specific benefits that come with obtaining medical records for your injury claim:

  • Both sides will be better able to assess your injuries and the viability of your case
  • You will be able to prove your injuries and their severity
  • The records provide a means of helping to calculate the damages you sustained due to your injury
  • Medical experts will analyze your records to determine what caused the injuries or, in medical malpractice claims, to determine whether doctors provided a reasonable level of care
  • The person alleged to be at fault in your accident will be able to avoid paying for any pre-existing injuries or conditions you had

If you need help getting hold of your medical records as you prepare for your personal injury claim, speak with a knowledgeable attorney at Mudd, Mudd & Fitzgerald, P.A. in La Plata, Maryland.